So you’re interested in a good 12 foot trampoline? Is there a particular reason why you want 12 foot rather than 14 or 15 foot? Also is a particular reason why after kangaroo hoppers 12 foot trampoline? These are a few questions you should ask yourself before we get too far into this review.
The kangaroo hoppers 12 foot trampoline is what we consider budget trampolines these are relatively cheap trampolines that most the time cut back on the quality of the materials used to try and deliver a product cheaper price. Most of them do past some kind of certification 12 safety and all of them have to adhere to the American standards of manufacture but there is a definite quality difference between the premium and the budget trampolines that we have looked at.
If you are unsure you can compare all of the 12 foot trampolines on our pillar document for 12 foot trampolines. You will see that there are two trampolines that are much higher quality than all the other trampolines one of them the spring free 11 foot trampoline is far more expensive but it is the world’s safest trampoline. The other is the Zupapa 12 foot trampoline which is far superior to all the other budget trampolines without costing a lot more and should seriously be considered over the budget trampolines.
The other thing to consider is size. Again I think a lot of this comes down to people not knowing much about trampolines and been first-time owners. You might think that 12 foot is the ideal size but typically I think people have a much better experience on 14 to 15 foot trampolines and you’ll find these don’t cost a lot more. Trampolines skill incredibly well with size what I mean by this is you don’t have to pay a lot more to make them bigger. Think of it like going to McDonald’s and buying fries a regular amount fries costs a certain amount and it only costs a little bit more to make it large. While you probably shouldn’t do that with McDonald’s and in almost rise good few larger trampolines are better for you. They deliver a better experience the bounce is better because it’s distributed more along the bigger mat and more springs and also you don’t have to keep in mind about the enclosure all the time. If you are unsure about size I would always recommend going for 14 or 15 foot high think these are the sweet spot without getting too big and paying extra money for something you don’t need and the not too small to feel like you are a little bit in clause. Obviously the size of the space you have in your garden should be taken into consideration.
Kangaroo hoppers details
the kangaroo hoppers 12 foot trampoline is in mid-tear ranks budget trampoline. Its average quality no matter how you look at it. It might do the job you looking for most people the trampoline are pleasantly surprised but again that’s because most people by trampolines it’s their first trampoline. If it’s your first trampoline you don’t really know what to expect out of quality of the bounce or the materials used and the safety features trampoline.
On first impressions the trampoline looks like it is an average trampoline may be closer towards the bottom end though you do have a selection of five colours in which to choose which is quite nice. It probably does have the best and most attractive colour designs on offer and the widest selection but for most people don’t think that should be a primary concern the colour of the matting around the edge. Quality of the trampoline is bit more important.
As with most trampolines the steel is galvanised to prevent it from rusting I like how it’s a curved along the line of the trampoline rather than straight it probably adds a little bit more stability to it. Though it is quite thin compared to something like the Acon trampoline which actually is available at the size.
The safety net is also UV treated like most of the safety nets and the springs are corrosion resistant which should in theory make them longer lasting but to be honest most trampolines offer this as well.
It measures height of 8.85 feet from the bottom the trampolines the top of the enclosure the steel for the frame is 38 mm in diameter and 1.35 mm in thickness.
The kangaroo hoppers 12 foot trampoline is the mid-ranked budget trampoline that we’ve reviewed. It’s not bad trampoline as far as budget trampolines go. It’s moderately popular and has quite mixed reviews.
I really feel like with all the reviews of the man trampolines recently and begun to feel like a broken record send the same thing over and over. But you can escape the fact that a budget trampoline just doesn’t have the same degree of quality is a premium trampoline. Even if you buy the cheapest premium rated trampoline it’s far superior in terms of quality and safety to any the budget trampolines. If this your first time purchasing the trampoline you may be tempted just buy a trampoline that is the cheapest but you have to understand there’s not a lot mechanically different between trampolines so when you go for a cheaper trampoline usually gonna sacrifice on the quality of the materials used.
I was think should buy higher quality trampoline because it’s going to last longer and be safer during the whole period you have it. Cheap trampolines break a lot more frequently than premium trampolines. You should think about what happens when a trampoline breaks generally it’s going to be use or just a grade due to weather conditions. The first scenario isn’t great if you look at it from the safety perspective.
If you are on a really, really tight budget and you want even by the cheapest premium trampoline at 12 foot which is the Zupapa 12 foot trampoline. Then maybe a budget trampoline is for you. If that’s the case then this kangaroo hoppers 12 foot trampoline is okay but it seems to look at the other ones are ranked higher than it such as skywalker 12 foot trampoline.
Overall or as a bot on line the trampoline is okay. It’s not the worst out the budget trampolines but certainly not the best if is a specific reason why want this trampoline you more than likely going to be happy with it. But there are better on the market for the same price.