
The jumpking 15 foot trampoline, this is probably a first time buying a trampoline and you are considering this one so you want to know is it any good? Well were going to look into this trampoline a little bit better and some of the decision-making process that led you to this moment.

Trampoline Size

Just from the selection of the trampoline that you’re looking at I can guess it’s probably your first time buying a trampoline. That being said you looking good size trampoline 15 foot is excellent. A lot of people make a mistake when it comes to buying a trampoline of getting one that is too small to try and save money. Honestly it’s a mistaken if you think about it and not too long you pull a consult same realisation. Firstly it doesn’t cost much more to get bigger trampoline the majority of the cost is in the initial investment of a trampoline size skills really well. The next thing about size is that the experience you going to have is much better on a large trampoline. Large trampolines will have a large amount with more springs and the bounce will be better and will absorb the bounce better you have more control over and it’s a much better experience spans a large trampoline. Also you don’t want to worry about hitting the enclosure are coming off the trampoline so you should always get one with ample space on side at 14 or 15 foot is what recommend someone to get if they were unsure.

You might buy it just for your young child and think are 10 foot one big enough and you probably right. But the way I would think about it in the left think you should think about it is buying a decent trampoline it’s going to last a long time and accommodate them for the next 10 years.


Trampoline Quality

Okay so not talking about the jumpking 15 foot trampoline yet just talking about general trampoline quality because it does matter. Better quality trampoline means two things means the experience what art is about with get a large trampoline that the bounce quality and control is going to be better and perhaps more importantly it can be much more durable and robust so it’s less likely to break cause an injury because that and it’s going to last longer. So this is the first time buying a trampoline I would recommend you look at our comparison of 15 foot trampolines and firstly look at the premium trampolines they are far superior and you have a much better experience it’s just whether they are going to be outside your budget. That being said if you really are wanting to try and save every penny you can and you not bothered about the lack of quality you just Wanna trampoline then look at some of our budget trampolines this jumpking 15 foot trampoline is considered a budget trampoline.

Jumpking 15 foot trampoline the details

Okay so your initial impressions when you see the trampoline or certain mind are that it looks okay. It’s certainly not the worst looking trampoline nothing stands out is sore from that should immediately avoid this trampoline but there are a few things on a look cheap. I can look past the padding looking to which it does because that’s not really most important features trampoline and much rather have a solid frame and cheap adding than the other way round from a safety perspective. The padding is rather cheap and it doesn’t really hit flush with the trampoline itself it seems to floor above it but thankfully it’s on the outside of the enclosure so you want get your feet stuck underneath it.

It’s got 96 springs which is standard for a 15 foot trampoline although there are some of the ones that have more and typically more springs gives you better bounce. There are also 5.5 inches which is a little bit short for the springs. You need to read between lines when it comes to trampoline manufacturers and how they describe the trampolines. That the described or springs is high-powered but 5.5 inches shorter than usual I like 7.5 or 8 inch springs the just have more energy and a better. As usual the frame is made from galvanised steel so it’s rust resistant for can tell you right now this trampoline is going to last anywhere near as long as any of the premium trampolines are recommend.

It has a maximum weight limit of £200 which is okay, not great I’ll save you a lot of time right now and tell you that if you want to save money on a budget trampoline and you don’t buy premium trampoline should definitely look at the skywalker’s 15 foot trampoline. Since I’m in the floor of recommend in other trampolines instead of this and a mention the Skywalker 15 foot trampoline that is if you absolutely want increase your budget but if you are willing to increase it just a little bit for a much more superior trampoline look at the Zupapa trampoline (15 foot) just an example of the difference is in the maximum weight for the super happy it’s 375lbs for both the jumpking 15 foot and the Zupapa it’s 200lb.

The delivery of the junking is going to be into boxes for some people the report it came in one box this is probably more to do with the size if you get 12 foot one be one box and the 15 foot one comes into boxes.


if you assembled a trampoline before this won’t be a problem but since most of you will be first-time buyers it’s good to look at it in terms of assembling it as you first trampoline ever. Is relatively simple to assemble and not much you can get wrong like with other trampolines. The instructions are relatively straightforward to follow but always get someone else to help you assembly just to double check everything is going up okay. Especially when take around an hour and a half to get it set up and running. Some people talk about not including the enclosure to save a bit of time but seriously you should include enclosure one simple mistake on the trampoline it’s far better to hit the enclosure than to fly off the trampoline for. Just common sense.


it’s hard trying to get a decent trampoline for a cheap price. This one isn’t bad and the majority of people who buy a going to have a good experience with it. This is primarily because people don’t know what to expect from trampoline and if they have any and it’s functional there going to be happy with it. This is the middle rated budget trampoline in our comparison. So within the same price range you can get better trampoline in fact the skywalker 15 foot trampoline is a better trampoline in the same price range and the Exacme 15 foot trampoline is super similar it’s hard to rate that above or below the junking does not much in it.

Ultimately though I think you should consider putting a little bit extra money into buying a trampoline. Well actually of each put quite a bit more in the budget by the Acon 15 foot or the skybound stratos trampoline 15 foot but because you are looking at budget trampolines I going to assume that these two are outside your bracket I think you’re serious consideration should be the cheapest premium trampoline the Zupapa 15 foot trampoline

as you can see from the conclusion I do recommend in other trampolines instead of the junking 15 foot trampoline. You can get the junking if you want there are far worse trampolines out there of course by do believe there are better within the same budget and far better for just a little bit more expense. Whichever trampoline you pick I hope you have a great experience and I hope this review has been helpful before you make your purchase.
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